The Steamboat Art Museum serves the communities of Steamboat (pop 12,000), greater Routt County (pop. 25,000), as well as visitors from all corners of the world. To date, SAM has presented over 45 exhibitions, and has had over 150,000 visitors and program participants through our doors. Annually, SAM presents two major exhibits featuring the work of top tier artists or artists groups, and each year, our annual Plein Air Event and Exhibit is featured in the autumn.
The Steamboat Art Museum serves the communities of Steamboat (pop 12,000), greater Routt County (pop. 25,000), as well as visitors from all corners of the world. To date, SAM has presented over 45 exhibitions, and has had over 150,000 visitors and program participants through our doors. Annually, SAM presents two major exhibits featuring the work of top tier artists or artists groups, and each year, our annual Plein Air Event and Exhibit is featured in the autumn.
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801 Lincoln Ave
Steamboat Springs,