Sascha's Gourmet Goods offers a variety of unique foods, spices, oils, and vinegars from around the world. Among the hundreds of unique items, customers will find baguettes from France, as well as tomatoes, lady fingers, artichokes, pasta from Italy, and olives and olive oil from Portugal (just a few examples). There are vinegar, cookies, chocolates, chocolate-covered fruits and nuts, and even a few CBD products. Not to mention a few local artisan favorite spices, sauces, and when available freshly sourced produce. This year they even added on Brooke’s Nook Kitchenware’s which features cookware, kitchenware, and more. Stop in and check us out.
Sascha's Gourmet Goods offers a variety of unique foods, spices, oils, and vinegars from around the world. Among the hundreds of unique items, customers will find baguettes from France, as well as tomatoes, lady fingers, artichokes, pasta from Italy, and olives and olive oil from Portugal (just a few examples). There are vinegar, cookies, chocolates, chocolate-covered fruits and nuts, and even a few CBD products. Not to mention a few local artisan favorite spices, sauces, and when available freshly sourced produce. This year they even added on Brooke’s Nook Kitchenware’s which features cookware, kitchenware, and more. Stop in and check us out.
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312 Myers St
Oak Creek,